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At Godsent Foundation, we believe that everyone deserves access to quality healthcare. That's why we offer a range of free healthcare services to underprivileged communities. Our experienced medical professionals are dedicated to ensuring that everyone receives the care and attention they need to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Education (Street to Classroom)

We are dedicated to providing children in need with the opportunity to receive a quality education. Our Street to Classroom program aims to break down barriers and create a pathway to success for children from disadvantaged backgrounds. We provide support from early childhood through to vocational training and beyond. Join us in our mission to transform lives through education.


At Godsent Foundation, we are committed to Human Empowerment and providing individuals with the tools they need to succeed. Through our various programs, we strive to make a positive impact in the lives of those around us. We believe that by empowering individuals, we can create lasting change and build stronger communities.

Hunger and Famine

At Godsent Foundation we believe every child deserves access to food and nutrition. It is our mission to alleviate hunger and malnutrition in underprivileged areas across the world. We strive to create sustainable solutions to this problem, working closely with local communities and organizations to provide not just immediate relief, but also long-term support. By partnering with us, you can make a real difference in the lives of countless children who are facing hunger and malnutrition every day.


At Godsent Foundation, we believe that everyone deserves access to quality healthcare. That's why we offer a range of free healthcare services to underprivileged communities. Our experienced medical professionals are dedicated to ensuring that everyone receives the care and attention they need to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Economic wellbeing

At Godsent Foundation, we believe that everyone deserves to have their most basic survival needs met, and to have the opportunity to prosper. That’s why we focus on economic wellbeing in all of our programs. With the right support, people can achieve sustainable income and assets that will help them thrive and support their families.

Displaced Persons

At Godsent foundation, we are committed to providing support and resources for displaced persons living in camps. We understand the challenges they face every day and work tirelessly to meet their basic needs, including shelter, food, and medical care. Our team of volunteers is passionate about making a difference in the world, and we're always looking for more individuals to join us in this essential work.

Godsent Foundation is making great progress towards our mission of providing humanitarian aid and addressing the challenges brought on by the climatic crisis. Our recent projects demonstrate the effective solutions we offer and how we are committed to making a lasting difference for those in need. Check out our projects below to learn more.


At Godsent Foundation, we believe that everyone deserves access to quality healthcare. That's why we offer a range of free healthcare services to underprivileged communities. Our experienced medical professionals are dedicated to ensuring that everyone receives the care and attention they need to maintain a healthy lifestyle.


Economic wellbeing

At Godsent Foundation, we believe that everyone deserves to have their most basic survival needs met, and to have the opportunity to prosper. That’s why we focus on economic wellbeing in all of our programs. With the right support, people can achieve sustainable income and assets that will help them thrive and support their families.


At Godsent foundation, we are committed to providing support and resources for displaced persons living in camps. We understand the challenges they face every day and work tirelessly to meet their basic needs, including shelter, food, and medical care. Our team of volunteers is passionate about making a difference in the world, and we're always looking for more individuals to join us in this essential work.


Hunger and Famine

Join us in the fight against Hunger and Famine. Our humanitarian and charity foundation is dedicated to providing aid and support to those affected by these devastating issues. Your donation can make a difference in the lives of those who are suffering. Together, we can help bring relief to those in need.


We are dedicated to providing children in need with the opportunity to receive a quality education. Our Street to Classroom program aims to break down barriers and create a pathway to success for children from disadvantaged backgrounds. We provide support from early childhood through to vocational training and beyond. Join us in our mission to transform lives through education.


At Godsent Foundation, we are committed to Human Empowerment and providing individuals with the tools they need to succeed. Through our various programs, we strive to make a positive impact in the lives of those around us. We believe that by empowering individuals, we can create lasting change and build stronger communities.

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Training Programs

Looking for a way to give back? Our Training Programs help to provide marginalized individuals with the practical skills they need to thrive. We offer an Artisan Training program for humanitarian purposes, which enables individuals to learn valuable artisanal skills, such as leatherwork and pottery, to create sustainable economic opportunities for themselves and their communities. Get involved in our mission to empower those in need with the education and skills they need to succeed.

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